Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Contemporary Modern Abstract Original Paintings - for sale

Contemporary Modern Abstract Original Paintings -

Each pieces name is a number. The numbers before the dot are the order of there creation. The numbers after the dot are the date they were created on. So piece #7967.081009 is piece #7967 (out of 10,000) and created on August 10, 2009.

Each piece can be purchased separately.

White Oil, polyurethane, paynes grey gouache, black ink on 120lb medium to heavy acid free archival paper

Unframed but additional images show what matting or frame-less framing would look like.

Signed by me, Professional Artist Kris Haas
on August 10th, 2009

Priced at only $30.00, includes shipment. All money transactions are through PayPal and all links are bellow each piece.

For additional information please see my home page, under purchasing information.

Today was an interesting, chaotic day. Extremely tired from working so much yesterday and proud that I kept going, no matter what. Even after over six years since my accident that caused my brain injury disability, I am still figuring out how much can I do and learning the importance of being kind and easy on myself knowing that the next two days I will consider myself fortunate if I work only a few hours. The important thing is to never give up.

I have to remember the importance of that. Even though I want to be selling 10 MiniMasterpieces in my Etsy Shop every day, and I can't seem to get more then 10 sales in a week, I still will not give up.

I just recalled a strong feeling about determination, without any hesitation, that I seemed to have carried with me a large percent of the time I was in the studio. When I realized I could do 10,000 piece of original art in 1 year (even though this realization did not occur to me until 2 months into it) there was no going back. There were no excuses left anymore. It was just something that I knew I could do and that I had to do it. I had to complete it. NO MATTER WHAT!

What word would I use to describe these pieces. A few come to mind but they seem repetitive. If anyone out there might come across this, please feel free to leave your descriptive response.


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